Pail Piran is a Quiet, religious and historic town in the beautiful soon valley of Khushab District.It is situated along the top of mountain salt range that runs from east to west from Jehlum to Mianwali Pail Piran is most convenient and easy to reach as it has jointly highway from Chakwal, talagang and Khushab. Its territories extend to Padhrar in east and Jaba in the west. The people are mostly from Hashmi Sadat family, a decendant from Pir Khaja Noori, Pir Ali Qatal Shah, Bahauddin Zakria Multani and Asad bin Hashim an ancestor of Last Prophet Mohammad SAW. Pail -Piran was first setteled by tribe Called Raja’s of Kattah and because of mircles (Mohjzaat) it was donated to Pir Khaja Noori (RUL) a grand father of Hashmies of Pail Piran. Pail Piran is very important and blessed village of Soon Valley in District Khushab having a Shrine of Pir Khaja Noori.
Historical Perspective of Pail-Piran
One of the grand grandsons of Hazrat Bahaud Din Zakariyya (Also known as Pir Bahawal Ul Haq) Multani,namely Pir Ali Qatal got setllled at a place Pail-Ghazi,which is now known after the name of that great saint(wali ullah) as Pail-Piran.
As was the case with most of the subcontinent then,the area was inhabited with non-muslims mainly Rajgans,who later embraced Islam at the hands of his son Pir Khawja Noori.Pir Ali Qatal according to some sources went back to Multan and is burried there.One of his sons Pir Mohammad Hussain got settled in Karuli -Piran district Chakwal.
Detailed account of the ancestory of Hazrat Bahaud Din Zakkariya can be found in books like “Anwar e Ghousia” written by one of Sahib E Sajjadah of DarGahe Baha ud Din Zakkariyya and also in Tazkara E Baha uddin Zakkariyya written by Maulna Noor Ahmad Afridi and published by Ulema Academy,Government of Punjab.
History of Hashmite Sadaat of Pail-Piran can be traced back to Habbari rule in Sindh(arrival of Habbarids in Sindh)-Habbari: the descendents of Habbar bin Asad
The Hashmite Saadat of Makkah,who ruled El Jabal inUmmaid(Ummayah) regime came to the subcontinent through El Khawarzum, and established 1st Muslim capital in the subcontinent-Mansoora (AD Mansura) near Shehzadkot Sindh.
They ruled El Khawarzum as Salaateen for many generations and then ruled from Mansoora again for geneartions. In 856 ADHabbarid rule in Sind founded by Arab Abbasid Governor Umar bin Abdul Aziz Habbar[856-886], a fifth descendant from Habbar bin Al Aswad, a Quraish from the family of Syedah Khadija (R A) -the first wife of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Umar Habbar and his father were born in Sind.(source:History of Muslim religion(
Hazrat Baha Ud Din was born to Hazrat Shah Wajih Ud Din Mohammad Ghous and his spirtual leader was Hazrat Shahab Ud Din Soharwardi. He visted Baghdad and was given ‘Khilafat’ by Hazrat Shahbudin Soharwardi.He and his successors ruled Multan asWalees(Governors) for generations.Among his descendents were sons: Hazrat Sadarudin Arif Billah(grandfather of Pir Khawja Noori of Pail-Piran) and grandson Harat Shah Rukan E Alam.
Pir of Bhera Sharif and Pirs of Khara are descendents of yet another grandson of Hazrat Sadar Ud Din arif Billah.
*A number of Arab tribes of Quraish, Kalb, Tameem, Saqeef, Harris, Ael-e-Utba, Aal-e-Jareema and Asad, and several prominent families of Yemen and Hejaz had settled in Sind. Masudi (915 A.D. – 302 A.H.) writes that he met many descendants of Hazrat Ali in Mansura who were in the line of Omar bin Ali and Mohammad Bin Ali(source:The people and the land of Sindh).
The Location of Pail -Piran
The village Pail-Piran is located off the Islamabad-Lahore Speed Way(Motor Way).From the Kalar Klahar– a scenic resort, interchange one o takes turn to Khushab- Sargodha road.
A 30- 45 minutes drive will take you to a the gate way of Soon Valley,as district Chakwal ends and the the District khushab starts.After crossing villages: Munnarah(Chakwal) and Padhrar(Khushab), and before you start climbing Katha Sagral(khushab) heights,on your left you will see a Mouselium(Mazar) of Hazrat Pir Khawja Noori on hilly terrain,and here you reach the villsage Pail-Piran.
The 2nd route is via Talagang(Chakwal).From Talagang as you proceed to Khushab-Sargodha you will come acroos Pail-Piran crossing,ahead of village Jabah, before you climb Katha Sagral heights.Pail-Piran is itself a sub valley and is part of the salt range tract.Its relatively cooler place and has a very scenic look.Before you enter the town ,a kilo meter before it is the family graveyard of Hashmite sadaats of Pail-Piran- Moqqam, in a compound wall setting,with Mazar of Pir Sahib Accha(Pir Haccha)